Monday, May 15, 2023

Home? Wait...What was that again?

I've been thinking a lot lately

about something that bothered me

all my life...

I don't feel quite at home

Anywhere I go

I realized that I'm searching

For that feeling

Again and again

Sometimes I feel it just for a second

Then it vanishes

I don't feel like I belong here

I just realized that when I'm dreaming

I feel a belonging

This is why I don't wanna wake up

The only thing that I did not leave 

Or that did not leave me

are my dreams

Knowing that everything around me is temporary

Terrifies me

But also

Since I will leave at some point

I know that I have to make the best out of it

And live in the moment

But at the same time 

I don't wanna do anything

Cuz I will leave anyways

This dilemma was always in my mind

It might be in my mind forever

I am used to it, so that's not the problem

The problem is...

I don't know what to do

I'm confused

But what I do know is

That, in order to live

I have to keep going

So doing nothing

Is a source of depression

That's what I've learned 

Until now.


  1. woow. damn. this is really philosophical!! I love how you explain this sensation in a way that i can understand it, but as you know; I will never quite understand it since i've never really felt what you do, though i have often felt like i dont belong anywhere too. I'm detached from places somehow. You're not alone in feeling like you dont belong. I'm really happy that you are understanding yourself more every day that goes by, although like me you are probably feeling more confused every day as well. We are our own mysteries. Listen to the song "somewhere i belong" by Linkin Park, maybe it will fit your mood :)

    1. Im running to my headset rn hjsdhsghjdfghdf imma listen to that


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