Monday, May 22, 2023

I think i am on the right way..

I realised something

My father is smart
He thinks fast
He acts fast
Always a problem solver
But he ain't brave
He wont live life to the fullest

My mother is funny
She acts goofy
She doesn't care too much 
Always lives life to the fullest
But she ain't smart
She can't solve problems in a lightspeed

I, on the other hand..

I have my fathers wisdom
I have my mothers bravery
I can do whatever i want actually...

I can be both smart and live life to the fullest...
Maybe this is why people ask;
Is she crazy or smart??

1 comment:

Min amethyststein

Du er som en amethyststein Folk tror du er bare en vanlig stein Men hvis de kan finne  det som er inn i steinen, Det som er inn i deg Det sk...