Thursday, May 4, 2023

There was silence for a moment

There was someone 

I liked talking to

We climbed up high stairs

It was so cozy with 

All the deep conversations

I looked down and got a feeling

I wanted to jump 

Then began to talk about it

Because it's what I do 

I talk about everything that pops into my mind

"Sometimes, I wanna know how it feels to die" I said 

"I wanna know it so bad that I wanna jump off this building"

There was silence for a moment

I will never forget what he said

"Yeah, you could do that;

Or live your short life and have fun on the earth

while it lasts and then die. Because you will,


This added a new philosophical perspective

For living, and continuing to live

Cuz it's not easy to live on earth

experiencing every possible emotion

Sometimes death seems like a shortcut

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