Wednesday, December 6, 2023

A genocide

I am very tired

Life scares me these days

Change is inescapable

Do you ever feel like 

You are doing the right thing

but something is not right

I am very sad

But I don't really have 

a big excuse to be like this

Everyone around me 

looks like they are having

a bad time 

But, Me, here, right now

I am totally okay

My heart on the other hand

Is not okay at all

I ache with the wounds of others

If they are hungry

I don't want to eat

If they are thirsty

I can't drink water

If they can't have an education

I don't feel like studying

If they are cold

I won't relax at home

If they are dying

I am dying

If they don't get the right to live the life I am living right now

I am going to vomit on this awful system that exists before my very eyes

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