Friday, January 26, 2024

Please let me see, please let me in...

If quantum entanglement is real

Which is when two particles act as if they communicate 


So when one of those particles spins up

We know that the other one is spinning down

Even from a very long distance

Particles are communicating and acting

As if they communicate with one another

There is evidence, that this is a real thing

John Clauser, Alain Aspect, and Anton Zeilinger

They earned the Noble Prize for Physics in 2022 

For working and succeeding in this experiment


Despite the practical challenges;

If we can send one of those particles into a black hole

And the other one is held here on earth


Maybe, we could measure what is happening in the black hole

By measuring what is happening with the particles here on earth

Maybe we could get a glimpse of what is happening in there?

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Love license

I like to find kind sweetness in little things
Like when I jump on to the school bus
And the driver waits for passengers to sit
He won't drive untill everyone is settled
There is some kind of love in this behavior

I am a student and I met infinite amount of 
Busdrivers and taxi drivers
There are some that won't even say "hi"
There are some that won't smile at you
There are some that won't wait for you to sit down
There are some that looks angry
Finally there are some that loves their job

I understand why drivers can be grumpy
It is not an easy job after all
I don't judge them if they do their job
Just to make some money 
It is their right to have this job

But life would be a better place if
They could be what they ACTUALLY wanted to be
Because they would smile, say "hi" and wait untill I sit down
If they liked their job

Thursday, January 4, 2024

What is love?

I have been asking this to myself for a long time 
What is love?
I am not sure but I think I found the answer 

Love is not constant
Everyone cant define love
Or no one can understand it
Because it is a variable
It changes from person to person
It is all a matter of perspective

And I found out what love is
In my perspective
And I warn you, that you may not understand
What I mean by what I will say
Because it is my opinion
About love

Love is; 
When I feel that someone actually gives a damn about me
When they make time for me, even if they are busy...
(they don't even need to meet me...or they don't need to message me... don't misunderstand this... I just need to know that they think about me... naturally because they care)
When they try to communicate with me and ask me questions about myself
When they ask me if I am hungry or if I need something from the grocery store
When they try to be the best version of themselves, but also very vulnerable 
When they look at me, in the eyes...and explain that they are alright without a word
When they hug me without a sexual desire, just because they CARE and because I am a PERSON, not a toy
When I feel like I can be the real me with them, the aggressive and gauche me
When I can be like a child with them, and when I don't even have the idea of them judging me, because they don't make me feel judged
When they can stop their physical desires, but listen to their heart and soul...and let me hear it
When I can feel free to argue with them, knowing that we will both say sorry at the end
When I can say all the bad words to them and they can say all the bad words to me...but we always try to fix those words with good ones...
When they take responsibility for little things
When they enjoy the little things we do together, maybe just because we do it together

Love is real when they say "why?" in response to my "I don't love you!" 

This, happened just once.. 

And I don't think it will happen again.

Maybe something similar, something familiar.

But no.

Real love comes once in a lifetime, right?

It did come to me, but I wasted it.

Now it's time to suffer.

Or maybe I am lucky enough to ACTUALLY meet someone (not find, I am TIRED) who actually gives a damn about me...?

We will see in the future.

And this is the closure.

moving through space and time

Life is fast these days I see everything around me But I am moving slowly I wish I could understand why... Waiting for something takes Many ...