Wednesday, August 7, 2024

I've come to realize something

I really don't know what love is

'Cause all my life I've been

in love with the tiniest things 

Like a little girl's sweet smile

like a boy's generosity

like a lady's help for an old women

and the old women's smile back at her

like a bird singing like she is in a choir

or a cat's sudden look at me

like the rain's sound and earthy smell

or a cloudy day's laziness

like the sunny day's memories 

like a girl's dancing to a song

like a boy's look at me in the eyes

like sweet and soft hugs 

like lovers look at each other

like a woman on a balcony

drinking coffee and watching around

like a little cute  laugh of a boy

like the bus drivers waving

to another bus driver

like everyone who is themselves

without anything that stops them

when in reality there are obstacles

but they are mentally brave enough to fight them

for me, 

love is in everyone I've seen

and in every place I've been

I always felt and still feel like

I left some part of me

in everyone I've seen

and in every place I've been

But I've come to realize that

I also found myself in them

That's why I think love

is everywhere

but only people who are brave enough to feel it

can see and find it

Maybe I am just not brave enough anymore.

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