Saturday, April 8, 2023

41 reasons to dislike me

- I like irritating my friends and watching them be irritated 

- I can form a fight into a dead-end so you can't escape it

- I have a lack of social information

- I am not stable

- One day I got too much energy, while the other day I am totally depressed

- I can get very angry at a small thing

- I get angry when my plans won't go as I planned them

- I want to do everything in my way as if it is the right way

- I am childish sometimes

- I am too serious sometimes

- I don't think about what people think of me so I do whatever I want out in public without thinking 

- I think too much about the people I care

- Sometimes my thoughts burry me into the ground, and I feel like I can't escape them

- I always want to be the best, even if I won't tell people

- I want to be perfect at everything that I do

- Sometimes I can't explain what I mean in any language so there are always misunderstandings because of me

- I look like I know what I am doing all the time

- I assume to know how people feel when they talk about their feelings (but maybe i don't)

- I can't do anything while someone is looking at me, I will probably mess it up very bad

- I talk about the past all the time

- I can't get over the past

- Nostalgia became my hobby, which makes me sadder every day

- I want to live in the past all the time because it was when everything was simple

- I am bossy sometimes

- If I dislike you, I will tell you why

- If you dislike me, I will ask why

- If you swear to me I will look at you with a passive-aggressive smile and tell you to continue

- I don't feel like I am myself

- Sometimes I don't know what "me" is supposed to be 

- I help others without thinking about if it has a bad influence on me

- I have many friends I talk to, and sometimes I don't really care about what they are saying but I act as if I do (online friends)

- I make my problems so big that I can't solve them and get eaten by them

- I listen to sad music to make me cry

- I get bored by everything very easily

- I have a tendency to not listen to people around me and do the thing I have in my head

- I never give up, I work until I am dead

- I am very stubborn, you would get tired if you would argue with me

- I overshare my life with some people

- Sometimes I exaggerate a lot of problems when I could solve them 

- Sometimes I exaggerate a story about myself because I like people pitying me

- Now I exaggerate these reasons while I know there will be people saying "Some of these reasons are not a reason to dislike you"


  1. I love you, the whole you, flaws and everything.

  2. none of these changed my mind. I love you as you are! <3


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