Sunday, April 16, 2023

Beyim Aragorn ve ben

 A wise man once said to me;

Don't be sad about the things 

you can not control

Sometimes you just have to let it be

I said;

It is an easy and wise thing to say

But is it easy to do it?

Then he said;

No, it is not

But knowing what I said

It can give you some courage

And show you that you are not in charge

I asked;

Who is in charge then?

I want to talk to them

So that they can change 

the sad things 


Then he replied;

That is a big goal

for a little young woman

I like your thought 

But things won't work like that

in this world

I insisted;

Who said I wanted to meet them 

in this world?

I could meet them in another dimension

Maybe in my dreams

Or somewhere else

But I need to meet them

So I can make a change

He said then, thoughtfully;


They always think they can change the world

How everything works

It's cruelty

They are innocent

But it won't last my darling

Don't worry

Unfortunately, this won't last long

Live in the moment

Until the silence

I ended enthusiastically;

Big goals can lead to small changes

Small changes can lead to bigger changes

Bigger changes can lead to controlling 

Everywhere, Anytime, Always


- Beyim Aragorn ve ben...

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