Saturday, May 6, 2023

Time to quote


To live life,

you need problems


Thats so stupid


If you get everything you want,

The minute you want it,

What's the point of livin'?


When god gives you a new beginning,

It starts with an ending.

Be thankful for closed doors,

they often guide us to the right ones.

If there is any kind of magic in this world,

It must be in the attempt of understanding someone,

sharing something.

I know. it's almost impossible to succeed.

But... who cares really?

The answer must be in the attempt.

Four sentences that make you rethink your life:

#1 Happiness is not the absence of problems, it is the ability to deal with them.

#2 Feeling sad after making a decision doesn't mean it was the wrong decision.

#3 You're not stressed because you're doing too much; you are stressed because you are doing too little, of what makes you feel most alive

#4 The lesson you struggle with, will repeat itself until you learn from it.

Sometimes you learn more from mistakes,

Than you do from trying so hard.

So anytime you make a mistake,

Before you get upset with it,

Look at it.

Sometimes those mistakes,

Turn out to be the best learning devices we have.

History repeats,

Create the Future.

~Bob Ross

Isn't it funny when they think you're the problem

So you fall back

And they still have the same problems

It's like you're at peace

while they're in pieces.

How ironic :)

So be picky

Be intentional about the people you choose to call yours

Don't waste time on a love that is not mutual

Don't trip over your feet chasing people who aren't for you.

Be picky

Be aware of the value of your energy;

spend it doing the things that take your breath away

Only walk down roads that your soul is screaming at you to take

Be picky

Recognize the truth that this,

All of this is temporary

Rely on the rarity of every inhale and exhale you take,

Allow the anomaly of your every breath to propel you to the realization

That not a single moment should be wasted

Soulmates come in the form of friends too

It's not just about romance

Sometimes it's your best friend

Who makes you feel whole

And who understands you the most

While the rest of the world

Doesn't understand you at all

- Does it get easier?



- Oh, yeah?

~ It gets easier

~ The more you know who you are

~ And what you want

~ The less you let things upset you...

Who's your purple?

Purple is someone who 

came into your life &

Made it better by simply

being there, they make 

you feel good & your life

wouldn't be the same 

without them...

Some people are just good people,

And you can just feel it.

I don't know how to explain that,

But there's like the little spark they have,

Or this little special thing that they have.

You just feel safe and happy around them...

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