Sunday, May 7, 2023

And then they have to go... this is the way life is...

She said;

Sometimes special people come into our lives,

stay for a bit

And then they have to go

The little girl said;

But that's sad...

Then she replied;

It is

But the bit where they were in, was happy 

Wasn't it?

The tiny girl nodded;


We had a lot of fun together

She said thoughtfully;

Maybe that makes it all worth it...

My friend asked me;

Isn't sad?

I said;


He said;

How the things that we often wanna forget

Are the things that once made us the happiest


Note from Meia;

Today I am making the decision to let go

Of the things that are in the past

Yes, they were happy memories

Yes, I wanted them to last forever


No, they did not last forever

No, I will never experience the exact same thing again


I can make new and happier memories

Nothing ever lasts forever anyways

I am letting go happily 


  1. i've got tears in my eyes from how proud i am of you. literally. ahh i need to hug you right noowww but im stuckkk hereeee. know that i'm here to support you always, and watching you grow fills my heart with so much warmth; all of me is filled with love for you <3

    1. Love you sis!!! I miss u so much rn... hope u come back soon


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