Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Lucid Dream

I am not sure what creativity is
But i feel creative right now
Maybe it's an enzyme that my brain releases
When I am actually asleep
Which is the reason i see
All my "creative dreams"

Oh, subconscious mind
I wish i could talk to you
Send you some hidden messages
That i wanna control my dreams

I did that once
It was wonderful
Once i realized that i was in a dream
I made myself a cartoon character

Ladybug 🐞
Then there was a villain
I stopped the villian 
And since i know who hawkmoth actually is
I beat him up
Went out on a date with adrien 
Then i said to him that i was ladybug
He was shocked
Everything ended when his mother came
I explained him everything
Then i saw the expression on his face
I was at peace

I woke up
It was a dream
I knew it was
While i was in the dream
It was wonderful
Didn't even try to do it
Randomly saw a lucid dream
I wish i could do that again...

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