Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The problematic dark wintery season

Uncertainty makes me feel empty
I used to predict how thing would go 
Now I feel like I can't anymore...

Things are getting hard 
Both in school and life
Is this because 
I come of age?

Now my life looks like
School, eat, homework, sleep
And you can repeat it
For 5 days

I wanna paint
I wanna play guitar
I wanna hang out with my besties
I wanna watch some series
But mostly I wanna read books

Now I have hardly time 
For any of that
I feel sad 
But I like school and homework too
I used to like it at least
Now I feel like it is just overwhelming 

Things are hard now
I am struggling every day 
I can't find solutions easily 
Words can't explain how terrified i get

But every problem has a solution anyway...
The sun rises after a very dark night too...
There is spring after winter...

Am I in the problematic dark wintery season?
Maybe I will be in this season for a while?
It's allright though, these problems are much better than doing just what I like...

Because you can cry if you laugh too much also...
You can get bored by listening your favorite song on repeat for a week...
You can gain too much weight if you eat too much chocolate...

I will find a balance 
At the end
I will, I know
I believe in me

Untill then,
I will be waiting for the beautifully shining summery season...

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