Sunday, October 1, 2023


Sometimes I feel like I am good at nothing
I am not good enough to apply to a study I like
Or I am not good enough to be an engineer
My father expects me to be an engineer
My mom still wants me to be a doctor

Honestly the only thing I want is time...


I know that I will be a burden to them if I stay, because they want to move to the first floor of our house and rent our current house at the second floor to others, so that they can earn some money.

Honestly I don't even wanna stay 

I wanna study and then get a job
I want to live in south france
I want to work there, thats why 
My dad wants me to be a
Marine Engineer

But I am just so skeptical to it
It doesn't even make me happy
Thinking about, me working by a ship
Although I love them...
I just had this dream that
I would be an astronom and stuff...
But I guess it is just a dream afterall

I don't think being an astronom is what I think it is
I like being helpful to people
I like math 
I like calculations and logic
Why not Ships?
I would travel the world, I mean
This is kind of a dream ✨️


Maybe I should try harder
You should lower your expectations
I am no way no genius
I was never a harmonie Granger

Teach me how to be okayI don't wanna downplay my emotions

I wanna be okay...

I wanna be okay....

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