Sunday, March 24, 2024

I wonder if we look at the same moon
Same stars

I wonder if we look at the same stars
Same scars, same sky

I wonder if we look at the same dream
same scream

I wonder if you miss me
I wonder if i will stop...


I wander around 
There is a full moon

I'm half empty 
But not 'cause of love
'Cause of longing

These tiring years without you
These people we see all year
But not eachother

This situation, you don't see
This longing, you don't even know
I'm still waiting

It has been a while now
I still dream every day about us
Our friendship
That didn't mean much
To you

Don't ask me why I cared so much!
Because I can't answer
But I loved you
That I know..

And damn, I still love you
But you wouldn't understand

'Cause it has been years
Since we spoke under 
The same moon

Same stars, same scars
Same dream, same scream...


Min amethyststein

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