Saturday, May 18, 2024

My stars, math and physics

I am afraid
Of my future

I see the stars
I want to reach them


Who am I to reach the stars
When I can't even reach the sky?

Who am I to dream about the stars
When I can't even REALLY see them...

I feel like I see the beauty in things
Like physics and maths

But what am I gonna do
When I see the real stars

Burning balls floating in the emptiness?
Without a reason, just existing?

How am I gonna reach them
Cuz, they're burning, I know they will hurt me!

But from here, I see them, shining up there
I wanna see them shine, even closer
even if they hurt me...

I really don't know if its a good choice
Patience and my passion will show me 
The future
I just need to wait and don't stress
But, me, not stressing...
That would be a miracle.

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