Thursday, August 29, 2024

For the first time in my blog career
I opened the paper
And I have no idea what to write
It's like, there is so much to write 
Everything is happening so fast
And I need to get this out 

Well, it turns out that my family and I
We are not that well getting along
I can't share everything with them
I don't feel free to speak
I gotta say "yeah, yeah..I'm fine..
Regular old..surviving"
I feel like, they don't really wanna know
They got their own lives
I've got mine now

I just...
I just have...
no one to share it with...
And it's a little bit boring I guess
Like all the walls are getting near me
Nearer and nearer, making me nervous
I feel trapped in this state

I don't think anyone cares
I feel like no one cares about me
And I fit in, in a way
But also I litteraly DON'T fit in
At all...

I don't know what to feel at this point
Because I should be happy
I dreamt about this
Now it is happening
I am not sad though
I just feel empty

I didn't hug anyone for some time now
I love hugs and kisses
I guess I miss them
Very much
A boy touched my shoulder today
I was in this jazz club
And like, I litteraly wanted to hug him
I think that sums up how much I miss hugs

Maybe what I lack is love
Affection and someone 
who understands me
This is a new life, so it is normal to be lost
I know no one and 
now I get to know people
I will know them in a while
And this will be my new normal

But this emptiness
I know it
It's just me, 
Being the enemy.
In my own story 

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