Wednesday, August 21, 2024

To myself

You are feeling something right now
You fell in love
Don't try to push it away
Don't try to get away from it
Just feel what you got to feel
If it ends up with heartbreak
Feel that too!

If you love roses, 
you have to put up with its spikes
If you like to learn something new
You got to fail first
This is the rule 
And has been the rule for a long time
And the pain won't last forever 
'Cause WE don't even live forever!

Don't try to rush things
When it comes to feelings
Just go with the flow 
Only then you'll know
If it's is meant for you
Or what's not!

Maybe try to not cure yourself very fast
Feel the heartbreak so that you will think 
More wisely next time you start to feel the sparks
That is the way it should be but
The society is different nowadays
We get into a relationship then get bored
And we jump into the others

What about love?
What about loyalty?
What about the one?
I really wonder if there is one person..
That I will litteraly click with
And I wonder if one day I will say
"Yepp, that one, I wanna bring an 
Eternitiy with them"
I don't know
The flow is very slow
Maybe that's a good thing :)

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