Thursday, August 10, 2023

Let go of your thoughts

 It is 2 am

i just wanna write 

something that i learned

I can't change people

everyone has their own life

I am actually relieved about it

'Cuz before, I thought

"Oh, this person won't watch Disney movies

He misses a lot."

But one can not long for something

If one never experienced it before

That, I didn't know, and

I tried to get people to 

watch movies i liked

or get them to listen to

the music that i liked

But if they didn't want it

I shouldn't push them to

But i did push them 

So smart i was

I thought, I always knew the best

But i did the worst...

Now i let go of the things

that are not my problems

I let go of the people

who call just to use me

I let go of my memories

They are the past

Now i hold on to my future

Which is yet to come

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