Monday, September 4, 2023

Not different.

The fall was yet to come

I fell in love again

I slam my hand on my face


I KNOW! I know...

Love is like a drug, and

I AM afraid to experience it again

But I AM brave too

Braveness is actually 

doing something even if you are

terribly afraid of it

I am terribly afraid to 

be rejected by people

but I talk to them

even if they might 

ignore me...

Love is weird though

I feel like if I have too much

I can lose my control

I don't wanna do it again

Maybe thinking before everything 

Might be a better option

There are two voices inside me

The first voice inside me sometimes says, 

"Don't worry, just do whatever you desire"

The second one says,

"Wait, when did you meet? do you even know him?

You need to know him well before everything!! 

Don't you think he is too childish? 

He doesn't even fit into your criteria!!!

Where is the blue-eyed bookworm boy?? "


Because I learned that sometimes

You can't have it all

You might just crush someone

And they just match your vibe you know

You just hang out and have quality time together

Maybe that turns into love or doesn't

Why label?

My fantasies are just fiction

In real life, there can be other things that matter

like his deep, beautiful voice..

I could listen all day long

I could stare at his eyes 

because they change color all day long

I don't want to mention his strawberry lips

I wanna bite them like a vampire 

But more than his looks, I like

his thoughts on things

Politics, psychology, Science

His random music taste that

I surprisingly like

The way he cuddles

And the way he looks at me

Can a human being look with

Puppy eyes but also be like a cat??

I never saw this before

I never met someone like him before...

He is different, and I like it..

He makes me feel

Not different.

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