Saturday, September 23, 2023

Just woke up, its 2 am

I've got so much love in my heart
That I'm afraid to give it away
There are so many dirty people 
Rude, careless, reckless 
And irresponsible

I've got a lot of things in my mind
Like, what will happen tomorrow?
What is that the future brings?
A war? A lover? Or an opportunity to
Escape this reality?

But surely there is something in my eyes
Only people who look with passion,
With kindness and with love can see
A Hope, a blinding light, sadness,
Love and bravery...

The only one who looked at me in that way
Was the girl i saw in the mirror
On the batthroom this night

And she is gonna be a great person some day
She is not even gonna recognize the change 
But she will change, just like a caterpillar
Becoming a beautifully elegant butterfly 🦋✨️

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