Monday, March 18, 2024

tHiS fUnNy LitTle fEeLiNG

How can a person have the litteral power to break you up into 10 000 pieces?

Or make your day so much better that you fly up to the blue and feel that fuzzy thing in your stomach?

How can some person make you feel like you are at the highest point on a roller coaster?

Thats litteraly how it feels every time I look at those eyes...


It's kinda getting annoying, I don't want it anymore but don't know how to not feel it...

How can you go down to the safe ground on a roller coaster?

Well, you experience all the shit and feel fuzzy and scared...then suddenly, it stops. 

Maybe that's how it's gonna be?

Feeling weird untill it doesn't?

Yeah, maybe that's the thing...

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