Friday, November 24, 2023

This is my choice

This is not a poem but just a life update

I feel very free now. Finally after so much trouble about what I'm gonna choose to study next year. I can smell the freedom, the choice itself. No pressure and no expectations. 

Long story short. My mother always wanted me to have a job in the health industry. I was going to be a doctor or at least a nurse. My father, on the other hand, wanted me to have a job in the engineering industry. I was going to be an engineer, maybe a marine engineer or an energy engineer. 

They tried to shape me into these pieces. Tried to make me a person who I was not. I was going to fit into this job or another. I was their daughter anyway and I wanted to make them proud. I still do. 

After a while, I began to understand that I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life. Not that I wasn't sure if I liked school or the subjects, I loved almost every lesson and learning. I knew that I at least LOVED math and physics. I kinda knew what I wanted now, but for my life after I was gonna graduate. I didn't really know what I REALLY wanted to study and have as a job in the future. 

When I talked to my friends about these things. After some time, I recognized that I was not excited when I said I was gonna study at NTNU, and be an engineer just like my father. I was just like "Oh, yeah. That's what I am gonna do and I will like it!". But was I going to like it? REALLY?! Surely I would like it and would study and get a job. But I would always think about the other thing that I was interested in since 5th grade. ASTRONOMY!!!

I was in love with this field. I loved the idea of galaxies, stars, planets, suns, magnetic fields, black holes, dark matter and many many more. I adored physics at school and was definitely in love with maths when I saw that nature itself could be calculated as well as it was not always calculateable. But it fascinated me when you could calculate nature's calculability. I just loved maths and that it had a connection with the physical world around me. I looked up to great scientists and how they worked as a team with others. I loved how they loved learning until they died.

I wanted to be LIKE THEM. My heart and mind wanted to do this. But what was saying that I couldn't study physics and astronomy (bachelor) and then quantum mechanics or astronomy (master) at the University of Oslo? What was the idea that was holding me and saying "No, but you have to study engineering at NTNU!!". 

Firstly it was fear. I was and am scared of a whole new city. There will be many obstacles and challenges. Maybe I will feel lonely from time to time and will miss my family if I go too far away. 

Secondly, it was my father's blessing. He didn't actually give his blessing about me studying to be an astronomer or quantum physicist. He ALWAYS knew that THE BEST for ME was being an engineer. According to him, the job wouldn't be hard and that I would love it. According to him, I was a perfect match for engineering. 

Finally after many years. Today. I talked to him about this. I said "But why? Why would you think that I would be more happy if I were an engineer instead of an astronomer??". He wouldn't answer this right away, first, he has to convey HIS WAY OF THINKING. After he finished it, I asked again "Why would you think that I would be more okay and happy in NTNU?". He told me another story about how he chose his job and studied what he thought was the best for him. When he finished I asked again I asked "But I don't understand. This is your story baba, I need an answer to why you think it would be better for me to be an engineer instead of an astronomer?". 

At last, he looked me, in the eyes. He saw me. Three seconds of silence. He replied "HMM, I might be telling you what I would do at your age if I were in your place." and then he added, "Yeah, I am not you after all.".




I finally got my father to listen to what I had to say...

I said "This is a girl who has high hopes, and realistic goals. She can seem weak sometimes, but she is so stubborn she won't give up. If she wants something, she won't ask others, she will stand up and find a solution to find it, reach it, and consume it. And whatever you say, she will listen to her head and her heart at the same time to reach her goal. She might ask for advice but no, No she won't complain at all, because it is her life and this is how she chooses to live it. Challenging or not, she believes in herself. Please believe in her, so that she can be stronger!"

Now they support me for who I am, and what I want to do with my life... I have never felt like a feather before. I feel like I am levitating on the thin air. ยจ

This will be my choice. 


I am so grateful for it.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Fear sticking on to my body, freedom running through my heart

People are scared of what they can't see
The future, the ghosts or the darkness
People were always scared of these
But in a way or another they came over it

People CAN face their fears
They CAN make the effort
It is all about the STRENGTH
Within THEMSELVES and their passion

I always had a passion about how things worked
Interested in many fields, like math and physics
Everyone would call me the tiny curious demon
Asking questions that are qualified as unimportant

BUT were they?
Were the fundemental questions that me, as a child asked
Were these questions just garbage?
Or could they actually help me find better solutions?

To find a solution I MUST face my fears
Fear of being taken for granted
Fear of being all alone about something that I believe in
Fear of not being able to succeed
Fear of every risk that I will take
Fear of absolutely every obstacle that might crush me
Fear of absolutely EVERYTHING that might happen 

Only thing that I have observed when I feel these fearfull thoughts is that
They are always there
They never left me
Actually they are like superglued on my body
I tried to get them off but they hurt 

So maybe, I thought, I will try sticking some things on my sticky fears
Like stardust, and some glitter
Cover them with the hope 
that I got and some passion

That's why behind the stardust, glitter, hope and passion
I always got some fear
It is what keeps me going actually
I am always a little bit scared but I got that hope
Fear only is a connection that is trying to protect me from danger

I don't say "No there is no danger! Take this fear away from me!!"
I only say "yes, I do fear, and this journey might be dangerous.
But what is not dangerous and risky in this life? 
Life itself is equal to danger! 
I will come over this, just like LIFE."

I CAN face my fears
I CAN make the effort
It is all about the STRENGTH
Within MYSELF and MY passion!

I will never let this passion die,
For that I have to let it go sometimes
Let it talk and walk and do strange things
Let it shut my fear off and be my strength

Only then I can be the best version of myself
Only then I can help myself be happy
Only then I can feel the freedom 
Running through my veins 
First into my heart
Eventually through my brain
But hopefully AGAIN...
through MY HEART....

Sunday, November 19, 2023

falling has never been so rewarding....

I'm falling
And falling...
It's deep as the Pacific ocean
I can't see the end
But it's still so rewarding.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Understanding the nature of patience

Patience my darling

You can't stop time from moving

Waiting is the key

Sometimes time must go

Patience my darling

You can't stop anyone from leaving

Waiting is the key

Sometimes people must go


Patience my darling

Even when time and people are right

Waiting is the key

As well as taking action

Friday, November 10, 2023

Dead end?

Sometimes certain behaviors of my father
Makes me sad and worried
Sometimes he can't see the actual problem
Or even if he does, he won't care
Or maybe he experienced the same thing with his father
He sees himself in me and
He knows that it is not worth the effort to talk to me
To explain why I am wrong and he is right

I just want him to logically explain why he is right
Instead i hear "Okay, I'm tired. You are right, yeah, you are right. 
Can we close this conversation?"
This would make me mad before but
Now it only makes me sad

I can explain what happened this evening as an example
I think that they are taking too much care of my brother
While I do my own stuff all by myself
I did not say this because I want them to help me too
I just want them to let my brother be more independent 

This morning, my brother couldn't wake up (again) 
My dad doesn't know that I at least two times a week wake him up though
This morning, I couldn't wake up myself
So my dad did my job
My brother woke up because of my dad
While my dad did not wake me up, and I am glad he did not!
I learned my lesson, and I will wake up next time... 
or go to sleep earlier etc. etc...
But my brother won't learn these lessons now
And I am most certainly afraid he will
After in his life

In the evening I said, to my father "you should let him be, 
let him learn how to manage his sleep"
But my father said "should I let him be late for school?
This is idiotic, I can't just let him be!!!"...
"He doesn't do this often anyways." He said.
"He wakes up all by himself. Normally..."
I said "but he won't learn untill he makes a mistake!!"
He said "I am just helping him! This is necessary, 
just close the conversation already, 
I am getting pissed again!!!"
A new emotion in me appeared
I felt pity for my father.
I actually didn't feel this for my father before.
I just got sad
He said "you are exaggerating this situation. 
This is not a crisis."

He was right, it was not a crisis.
He was right, he CAN NOT let my brother sleep, 
because he is my brothers dad and
It would be cruel and careless of him 
If he wouldn't wake my brother up
My brother would think that my dad is a careless man

And if my dad would talk to my brother about this
They would argue
They would fight very VERY loudly (happened)
So that explains why my dad 
began shouting to me this evening
He's got angry issues
My brother got it too
I thought that I had it too
But actually years changed me

Now I am calm when my father is very angry
I can talk calmly, and this makes him even angrier,
He starts jumping around, shouting loudly 
And then throwing random shit to the ground
It was a headset one time, or his phone
Maybe just a pen or a glass on the table

He was always like this, but he is better now
I remember that we was angrier ten years ago
Anyways, I guess he knows what he is doing
He is living his own damn life, with anger issues
I am STARTING to draw my red flags and
Starting to want a calm life with no anger issues...
I like discussing topics but this!
I do not accept this in my life, NOPE!!

He doesn't respect me or my thoughts
It is not like this all the time though
More often when he is hungry and tired
(He is hungry because he has to get this job done before eating,
or he has to do this job before letting himself relax)

Sometimes he is totally in a normal mood, 
but doesn't like my thoughts when I talk
Then he won't respect my thoughts again
He just says "no, you are wrong,
And I don't want to talk about this. Just stop."
I really don't know what is bothering him
It's obvious that there are taboos in our house
Some things that we don't talk about

Like when my mom is afraid to make him angry
So she stays quiet instead of telling her thoughts about a topic
But I understand it, and say it out loud
Then she looks at me with worried eyes
Her eyes say 'shhhh stay quiet"
And probably my dad gets mad at both of us

I don't want those taboos
I want communication
Because good communication leads to good conversations
Good conversations leads to good connections
And good connections lead to a better bonding

But if he won't listen about 
What is bothering me or my mom
Without getting angry
Then surely my mom will smoke
She will stay silent and smoke 
untill she feels her lungs hurt

Then surely I will answer calmly
And ask him "why?....."
And he will not be able to escape it
And respond with a "stop talking, or I can get angry"
He is smart and funny, he is very wise
But sometimes...
I feel like I don't even know him
We don't really communicate 
About the topics that matter the most

Let it be like this then
I will be leaving next year anyways
Then he will see that he has to wake my brother up
Almost every day
Because I already helped him every week
Just like him
I am just like him
He will understand this
But later
Now I just need to wait

For him, I will understand him
When I get a child
I totally agree with him though
I will understand him, I do understand now too
It is not easy ta have a rebel daughter
I love empathy
But he
He has a lack of empathy for me
Maybe it is hard for him to be empathetic 
Again, I don't really know because
He doesn't want to communicate...

This all feels like a dead end....

Thursday, November 9, 2023

A Summer Rain

AH, the summer nights
When we would go out
Play hide and seek and
Laugh as much as we could

We would have to go on a 
Family trip with our family so
We would have to leave our friends
For a week or two that felt like an infinity

In that week or two weeks
You would meet your cousins
They were all boys and 
you were the firstborn girl
So you would be the leader

You were nine
Your brother was eight
One of your cousins was six
The other one was five

Summer mornings when people were going to their jobs
You would lead your three musketeers to the balcony 
From the balcony of the second floor of a building
You would make them take a glass of water
And spill it to the people walking by the street

You all would laugh so loud while
The people walking by the street
Would curse very loudly
What can I say? We were mischievous..

You would take the three musketeers
And climb up to a variety of trees
Apple, grape, hazelnut, fig and cherry
You would climb and pick up the fruits
They would eat all of it

You were happy because they were..
Thats why you would lead them
Unless they would just sit and watch tv
Or they would fight with each other
Especially when you would go to the mosque
With your grandmother in the evening
The boys would always fight when you were gone
When you would be back they were fine


One morning in another summer
There was another summer rain
You would run to the rain and dance
While the tree musketeers would watch you 
From the balcony of the second floor

You would say "What are you waiting for?"
You were eleven
Your brother was ten
One of your cousins was eight
The other one was seven

They would say "What are you doing out there?"
"It is warm inside, and not wet!"
"It's better for everyone if we stay inside..."
"Also, we are playing Minecraft!"

You would be heartbroken
Where were the three mischievous musketeers
Did they just pass away?
It could not happen...

Finally, your aunt would say "Eyy, Mehlika! You are gonna be sick, come inside!!"
You would start to cry
For the first time
In the rain
Not because you would fall down and hurt your body...
But because something hurt your heart from the inside...

That day you would learn to be more of an adult
How to sit and watch the rain inside instead of experiencing it
Just like other things that you would only watch in the future
And wish to experience it for the rest of your life...


At least your father was just like you
He didn't like watching when there was 
A chance to experience something exciting
He would run for it, just like you

That's how we ran away too
He didn't like watching others
He would rather die than watch
He wanted to experience and took 
The three musketeers along with him
My mom, me and my brother

Just like the risk of being sick because of the rain
There was a risk of drowning in a river or being shot by a soldier
There were risks everywhere
There was always a risk
All the time

But just like how I loved and enjoyed the rain
My father loved and enjoyed an adventure
He craved adventure and was brave
I craved adventure and I was brave

I knew that I wouldn't be sick because of the rain
Because I was happy and it helped me
He knew that we would survive because of the pain
Because he was not in pain when he was free
'Cause we all were not in pain when he was free...


AH, the summer nights
The sweet night talk on that balcony
Drinking Turkish tea and eating baklava
It all happened and ended as if it was 
A summer rain...

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

now I understand

I was just telling my past
Everything happened as 
They did and it cost
My life but nothing less

I was telling my past life when
Everything happened fast and
With a huge change in a lions den
I was escaping the non future land

There is life and light
In this world
There is death and dark
In this world
Both existed, 
are existing
will be existing 
As long as we 
Are living

I stoppet telling my past, now
It is just a blurry memory 
But I didn' even know how
I forgot everything so easily

Whereas I tought it was the past,
As i began to live my life
All the past drama and the past trauma
It all was a burden 
which was unbearable

There is death and dark
In this world
There is life and light
In this world
Both existed, 
are existing
will be existing 
As long as we 
Choose to live...

Saturday, November 4, 2023

symptoms of lightning struck

Symptoms of falling in love for me is

Waking up at 5 am for no reason

Begining to think about him

Never being able to go back to sleep

A blessing and a curse

It has been a while since I felt this way
It has been a while since I felt actually happy
Sometimes I just feel like I will never be happy again...
Then just when I loose all hope, I feel happy again
I don't know what is failing me...
But I can feel my heart race again...
The adrenalin, the melatonin...mixed up
I know my heart will break again...
Then why try?? 
Why bother???
Why feel???


You think I am gone cuz I left But I am in threes I am in the wind I am everywhere all around And you cant catch me now I wanted to go back ...